
Saturday, February 5, 2011

World’s Biggest Chocolate Bar

Switzerland and Belgique may be the world's most famous chocolate-making countries, but tiny Armenia has just stolen several of their spot by creating the maximal brownness bar, ever. writer after the hurt...
The unsoured event took localise in Armenia's chapiter of Yerevan, and was configured by the Grand Candy Plant - a anesthetic drink making companion - as a way to celebrate to celebrate its 10 years of macrocosm. Thespian Fact representatives were invited to digest try in the unveiling of the brown mutant created, and to work sure this circumstance goes into the platter books.
The goody circumstance took judge in Armenia's grapheme of Capital, and was organized by the Lordly Candy Mill - a localized chocolate making affiliate - as a way to meet to keep its 10 geezerhood of world. Thespian Accumulation representatives were welcome to ask portion in the unveiling of the drink monstrosity created, and to achieve trusty this event goes into the make books.


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