
Friday, February 4, 2011

The flying luxury hotel of tomorrow

Specialiser: Igor Writer (Worldwide Aeros Corporation), Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo (WATG)
Position: Model under developing

The ?Aeroscraft? is a large 400-ton blimp premeditated to persuade passengers in its wide opulence cosmos onboard. The air hotel with an expanse soul to two football comedian hangs in air with 14 meg isometric feet of element, large motorcar and hydrogen carbon radiotelephone supercharged propellers and six turbofan jet engines. The hotel can change 250 passengers driving them at a speeding of 174 miles per minute up to 6, 000 miles.

Fast 8,000 feet above in the air, the 165244x647 feet airship faculty supply tourists hi-tech sustenance including casino, restaurants and staterooms.


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