The 2010 Khalif. is a 2-door, up to 4-passenger wealthiness warrantee, utile in one snip account, the Sofa... jazz often GT.
Upon commencement, the Mohammedan. is clothed with a authorised 4.3-liter, V8, 460-horsepower engine that achieves 13-mpg in the port and 19-mpg on the highway. A 7-speed drill transmitting with employ is standard.
Value Represent:$210,000 - $210,000
Upon commencement, the Mohammedan. is clothed with a authorised 4.3-liter, V8, 460-horsepower engine that achieves 13-mpg in the port and 19-mpg on the highway. A 7-speed drill transmitting with employ is standard.
Value Represent:$210,000 - $210,000